
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jason Jiovani - On his way to Formula D

To continue my coverage of CFRC's Practice Day, here are a few shots of Jason's bright yellow S13. I wish I could've seen this beast out on the track longer, but after his second run the diff broke, leaving him by the sidelines for the rest of the day. I didn't get a chance to talk with Jason at the event, but after reading a few articles on him, I can see he is rising from grassroots to the professional level quickly! Enjoy!




"Mustard and Ketchup" according to Steve Sawyer... haha





  1. If your out anytime and I'm there man, feel free to ask me anything/interview whatever you want. Always ready to chat. I hope I can make that leap to FD in 2012, next year is focus on ProAm now that the car is getting dialed in. *We found out later it was the axles, not the diff. Worst part is I had broke them last event and replaced them 3 days ago... time to upgrade!

    -Jason Jiovani

  2. last pic sucks, second one down is iffy. The rest are great.
